English Opinion

Why Are Pharma and Biotech Not in the Big 7?

Nabil Alhakamy

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, a few companies have risen to dominate the industry, shaping the future of innovation and driving the global economy. Known as the 'Big 7,' these tech titans include Apple Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Alphabet Inc., Amazon.com, Inc., Meta Platforms, Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, and Tesla, Inc. While some of these companies are renowned for their physical products, a significant portion of their value and influence comes from their intangible assets and services. This article delves into the impact and strategies of these companies, highlighting their reliance on intangible products and explaining why pharmaceutical, or biotech companies are not part of this elite group.

The Big 7 tech companies primarily derive their value from intangible assets such as software, cloud services, digital advertising, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. These assets provide scalability, recurring revenue, and high-profitmargins, allowing these companies to maintain their market dominance and profitability.

Apple generates a significant portion of its revenue from services such as the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, and Apple TV+, contributing over $75 billion in 2023. Integratinghardware and software ensures a loyal customer base and recurring revenue.

Microsoft has shifted to being a cloud-first company. It now offers Windows and Office subscription-based services, known as Windows 365 and Microsoft 365, respectively. 2023 the company made $75 billion from its Azure cloud platform. Additionally, its focus on intangible assets is evident through acquisitions and investments in AI.

Alphabet (Google) dominates digital advertising with Google Ads and holds significant intangible assets like Android, Google Search, YouTube, and Google Cloud. It monetizes user data for targeted advertising, with YouTube and Google Cloud being key revenue drivers.

Amazon profits significantly from Amazon Web Services (AWS), the leading cloud infrastructure provider, alongside its e-commerce platform. AWS and Prime membership offer intangible benefits and enhance customer loyalty and spending.

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, primarily generates revenue from digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. The company's focus on new digital experiences is emphasized by its initiatives in the metaverse and acquisitions like Oculus.

NVIDIA is renowned for its GPUs, crucial for gaming and AI. The company's value is also evident in its software and services, like the CUDA platform. Its investments in AI research and cloud-based services underscore its emphasis on intangible assets.

Tesla's value extends beyond electric vehicles, includingsoftware such as Autopilot and Full Self-Driving features, with continuous over-the-air updates. Its energy division also relies on intangible products like energy management software.

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies operate on fundamentally different business models than the Big 7 tech giants. Their value proposition lies in developing, approving, and commercializing new drugs and therapies. These processes are highly regulated, capital-intensive, and involve long development cycles, with substantial risks at every stage, from research and development to regulatory approval and market acceptance.

In contrast, tech companies, mainly the Big 7, thrive on rapid innovation cycles, scalability of digital products, and lower regulatory burdens. Once a software product or digital service is developed, it can be distributed to millions of users at minimal incremental cost, unlike the manufacturing and distribution of physical drugs. This difference in business models makes it challenging for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to achieve the same scalability and profitability as tech companies focused on intangible assets.

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies must navigate a complex regulatory environment, requiring extensive clinical trials and approvals from agencies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). These processes are time-consuming and expensive, with a high rate of failure. The rigorous testing and approval process is necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of new drugs and therapies. Still, bringing a product to market requires significant time and cost.

Tech companies, on the other hand, often face fewer regulatory hurdles, especially in the early stages of product development. While there are regulations concerning data privacy, cybersecurity, and competition, the path to market for digital products and services is generally faster and less expensive. This regulatory landscape allows tech companies to innovate more quickly and bring new products and services to market with greater agility.

The profitability dynamics in the tech sector are distinct from those in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. Intangible assets in tech offer higher profit margins and scalability compared to the tangible, product-based revenue streams of pharma and biotech firms. For instance, cloud services, digital advertising, and software subscriptions provide recurring revenue with relatively low operating costs, enabling tech companies to achieve high profitability.

In contrast, pharmaceutical and biotech companies face high costs associated with research and development, clinical trials, and regulatory compliance. The time to market for new drugs can span several years, and the risk of failure is significant. Even after a drug is approved, manufacturing and distribution costs can further erode profit margins. While successful drugs can generate substantial revenue, the overall business model is less scalable and more vulnerable to regulatory and market uncertainties.

The strategic focus of the Big 7 tech companies is on leveraging intangible assets to drive growth and maintain competitive advantages. This focus is reflected in their market valuations, investor perceptions, and overall business strategies. Investors value the scalability, recurring revenue, and high margins associated with intangible products, contributing to their high market capitalization.

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies, while crucial to healthcare and innovation, operate in a market where the business dynamics are perceived as more volatile and less scalable. The high-risk, high-reward nature of drug developmentand regulatory challenges make it difficult for these companies to achieve the same level of market dominance and investor confidence as the Big 7 tech companies.

In conclusion, the absence of pharmaceutical and biotech companies among the 'Big 7' tech giants can be attributed to the fundamental differences in business models, focus on intangible assets, regulatory challenges, and market dynamics. The tech giants' success is largely driven by their ability to leverage intangible products and services, creating scalable and highly profitable business models that differ significantly from those in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. The strategic focus on software, cloud services, digital advertising, artificial intelligence, and data analytics has enabled these companies to achieve unparalleled market dominance and financial success, underscoring the growing importance of intangible assets in the modern economy.