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5G success stories in Saudi Arabia from Huawei

Can you share some successful use cases of 5G in the Saudi market?

Saudi Arabia is making remarkable strides in the 5G landscape. All three operators deployed their 5G networks around 2019. Currently, there are over 11 million 5G subscribers, 10% of whom are FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) users with 5G-supported home broadband. In the Kingdom, the 5G population coverage exceeds 80%. With average speeds having doubled from 2019, the country ranks among the top 15 globally. New spectrum allocations are underway, positioning Saudi Arabia for further growth. Its 5G network coverage stands at 70%, with speeds of 360 Mbps driving digital transformation. This enables advanced use cases and services.

Furthermore, we have observed key industry sectors adopting 5G. The most common 5G solution is private line services, with tens of thousands of enterprises benefiting from features such as flexibility, fast deployment, and fiber-like speeds at a much lower cost.

Additionally, several key sectors have leveraged 5G features to deploy smart solutions for improving safety, security, and efficiency. This includes collaborating with operators to deploy smart port solutions in Dammam.