English Opinion

NO New JCPOA Talks with Out the GCC

Faisal Alshammeri

One of the most remarkable characteristics of the negotiations between the European countries and Iran on The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA) is the noticeable absence of the GCC and the Middle East countries. In the long-running negotiation process with North Korea with Russia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States, all rounds were conducted individually, sometimes collectively.

The direct talks provide a way to make an effective contribution to parties associated with conflicts. At Minsk, the talks about the war in Ukraine included representatives of the EU, Ukraine, and Russia. In Afghanistan, the regime, Taliban, the United States, and Pakistan are all attempting to place a basic framework for peace.

At the Munich Conference, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met to decide what to do with the Sudetenland problem. All parties agreed to transfer these borderlands to Germany in order to make it internationally recognized, and provide a collective security pledge for the remaining rump of a now meaningful state.

But, the only problem was that nobody from Czechoslovakia was representative to enrich the talks. Few years later, in the summer of 1939, during the negotiations on Danzig and the Polish Corridor as a hot diplomatic issue, the Poles participated in the negotiations.

The problem for Poland was that Germany was determined to take both Danzig and the Polish Corridor and there were no agreements to suffice for Berlin, no matter how good on paper it was. Nevertheless, on September 3rd, 1939, the Great Britain and France launched the war on Germany.

The main aim of the allies was to establish a democratic, an independent, and legitimately sovereign state in Poland. Both parties had security pledges. Unfortunately, neither Czechoslovakia nor Poland finally gained democracy, or even independence, In the after math of the World War II, The United States played great efforts to ensure the security situation in Europe, Northeast Asia, and the Western Pacific. Five years after World War II, Washington and its allies intervened to prevent the military defeat of South Korea and to preserve its independence.

This security commitment to Northeast Asia and the Western Pacific allowed Asia to become one of the most important pillars in the world economy today. The American commitments allowed South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to enjoy the peace while simultaneously allowing them to have unfettered access to global markets. Alternatively, Japan went to war to guarantee accessing the raw materials it needs.

In collaboration with the United States, after the war, Japan, managed to access to markets and raw materials that it would have gotten in its post-war order. Moreover, regarding to the United States leadership of the negotiation between the Seoul – Tokyo pivot and Pyongyang, does this mean that the GCC doesn’t have a strategic relationship?! Despite the large number of victims of the Iranian behavior could be in all places around the world, the direct effected people are those in the GCC and the Middle East.

So, it is an urgent priority for the international community to put such catastrophic case for all political events and diplomatic talks to put an end for the Iranian threatening behavior for the international security. Through its arsenal, the United States supported the Western Europe, Turkey, South Korea, Japan to overcome the ruins of the World War II and become amongst the most prosperous nations in the world. Washington supported Kuwait against the Iraq aggression, and played an important role in restoring and guaranteeing the security of The Arabian Gulf for decades. Will the GCC countries be a new Czechoslovakia or even South Korea? The answer is very important. Czechoslovakia no longer exist, meanwhile South Korea is a thriving country.